Saturday, January 13, 2007

Who was the Mystery Man?

Actually, the centrifugal force keeps object in line with the curve, but if the object exceeded the maximum (calculated assigned) speed of a certain curve, the object will be off track...

As the gentlemen, who almost collided with me that cold freezing night, he was driving down, and I was driving up on the winding icy road. He exceeded the speed limit and with no friction on the road...he lost control of the vehicle...his car went down and crashed down into the drainage...into the ditch. I could see the vehicle's impact on my view mirror. The road has no shoulder, and it would be suicidal to stop and offer help...not until I reach the top. As soon I found a safe to park my car, which took about less than 2 minutes, I called for help, then without wasting anytime opened the trunk, put on the winter gear (emergency gear, which I called the spaceman suit), took the emergency kit, locked the car and run down the hill (the gravel that was pushed on the side of the road help me to run a little bit faster).

As soon I got to the scene, all I could see was the vehicle's tail light. As I walked towards the front, I saw the right front frame of the car hit the foot of the hill and was pushed hard back...totally damaged! I held the small flashlight, which was hanging on my neck, to see if the occupant was alright. When I saw him looking towards me, not only then my breathing went back to normal. He gave me the universal hand gesture indicating he was okey, but pointing the door...he could only open the door about a foot not enough for him to get out. The thick layer of frozen ground prevented him from opening the door. I showed him the tool...a small tool that could break window, but immediately gave he a "NO" hand signal. With his car positioned downward; slightly shocked...distrout...he managed to rolled down his window.

I told him calmly that the recue team was on way shortly, offered him a thin blanket and suggested him to stay inside car because of the temperature was extremely cold. He took the blanket and thank me...

"By the way..." he said, "Your friend decided to stay in the car huh?"

"What friend?" I asked him cluelessly to what he was asking.

"The guy sitting next to you..." mumblingly he continued, "I saw him looking at me when I passed you by...before I crashed. Probably, he wanted to kill me right now huh?"

"No...," I answered.

Misunderstood what he said, I cut the conversation brief then, climbed up to the road, and I looked around making sure the there was no uninvited guest will come and join the party...

"Where are the recue team? Why are they taking so long? asked worriedly to myself.

A couple of days later, as I was looking back...recreating the accident...I remembered him mentioned about man...a man with me in the car; sitting in front; sitting next to he hallucinating that night? That night I was driving home from school...alone...


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